Terms and conditions
When is U-center a good solution?
At U-center we treat many psychological disorders. In particular, we specialize in the treatment of co-occurring disorders (comorbidity). However, our programme is not always suited to everyone’s needs. In some cases, we may suggest that you contact another mental health centre or recommend an alternative treatment method. In every case, we wish to offer the best treatment to everyone who contacts us, even if that is not with us.
At U-center we treat many psychological disorders. In particular, we specialize in the treatment of co-occurring disorders (comorbidity). However, our programme is not always suited to everyone’s needs. In some cases, we may suggest that you contact another mental health centre or recommend an alternative treatment method. In every case, we wish to offer the best treatment to everyone who contacts us, even if that is not with us.

Treatment at U-center is intensive and demanding. It can be very confronting and arouse strong emotions. A certain determination and attitude are required to be able to follow the programme’s intensity. For this reason, if you would like to come to U-center, together we make a careful assessment of whether U-center is the right match for you.
A danger to yourself or others
U-center is an open behavioural health hospital: we do not have a secure ward. If you could be a danger to yourself or others, you may need a more protective environment. For example, if you are seriously confused and may become aggressive as a result, it may be better to first stabilize your condition in a secure ward. We do everything possible to guarantee your safety and that of our other clients.
Special physical care
U-center endeavours to make everyone’s stay as comfortable as possible. However, we are not a nursing home or general hospital, but rather a behavioural health centre. If you, therefore, require intensive daily physical care or hospital visits, we can unfortunately not offer you the appropriate care. If you are suffering from anorexia nervosa, are seriously underweight and need to receive intravenous nourishment, a specialized institution is more appropriate.
People with acute psychosis first have to be stabilized. Our experience is that you will not benefit from treatment at U-center’s short-term treatment if you are suffering from psychosis or schizophrenia.
Do you have any questions? Feel free to contact us for advice. Everyone is unique and has their own personal story, which we are interested to hear.

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